Merry Christmas to All !!

Merry ChristmasIt used to be a very simple and welcomed greeting at home, in the workplace and wherever you shopped.  But somehow, on the heels of the over commercialization of this special event, the SJW crowd has turned it into a holiday for every religion as a way to negate the Christian aspect of the day.

This has nothing to do with any other religion or day of worship even if it conveniently coincides with the calendar timing.  It does not have to do with the historical accuracy of actual day of Christ’s birth as many detractors try to point out.  It has everything to do with event that did happen, the event in which God sent His only son, to be born as a human being, to show us as a living example, how to live among men.  He brings to life, in flesh and blood, the Word of God, which is depicted in the Bible.

So if you find yourself questioning the need or the reason for all the “celebrating” that goes on at this time of year, remember to keep your eye on the prize.  It is not about gifts, it is not about food, it is not about parties and get-togethers, although those are well and good and enjoyable for everyone.  The focus is and should be on the word “CHRISTmas.”

And don’t fall prey to the brainless efficiency that perpetuates the moronic “Xmas” message.  The use of the “X” completely negates Christ in the word and makes the holiday truly a secular event, something that many like to see happen.  They like this because Christians believe in an Almighty being, creator of all, who gave us his Son as a way of salvation, and the decision is given to each of us to accept that gift.  But people don’t like responsibility, they don’t like standards especially when those rules encroach on their freedom to live how they want.  After all, God did give us free will.  But along with free will come consequences.  You can choose to do things the right way or the wrong way.  Your choice.  Standards by their nature are things to be achieved, goals to be worked towards, aspired to.  People need inspiration and challenges to aspire to and none are better than to excel at being a godly person in the image of Christ.

God does not promise us a problem free existence in this life.  However, if we work to live by his rules, “The 10 Commandments” are the best summary, then we have the best chance of staying on the path to a righteous life, one that will most closely emulate that of His son, Jesus Christ. – Mongoose


“Patriot Resources” – A Reference for You

In case you hadn’t noticed, in the right hand link below the headline “Ignorance Is Bliss” of this blog, is a listing of some things that I have provided for you.

This is a list of links to reference information that is, really, just a starting point for educating oneself about two things:

  1. The history and founding principles of “our” country, the United States of America, and
  2. Some of the enemies, both foreign and domestic that work day and night, long and hard, and very sneakily over many decades because their energies never wane, to change and/or destroy what this country is and represents.


I believe that the 2016 Presidential election was a critical moment in our history because after eight years of having a fundamentally anti-American person as President, who was a closet Muslim and sympathetic to the middle east and it’s cadre of terrorist organizations and activities such as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the CP-USA, American has been significantly damaged.

To have followed that reign with Hillary would have put the last nails in the coffin while taking corruption to new heights.  Having avoided that despite all the shenanigans we now know were going on to seal her coronation (but failed), can only be attributed to the workings of a caring God.  He brought forth, at this time, not a perfect man, because there is no such creature, but the right person who over time had developed his own ideas while honing his own success and management and leadership capabilities for this particular time in history.

This kind of thing has happened many times in the past.  I always think of one of my military heroes, Gen. George S. Patton who believed he was destined for great things on the battle field.  His whole career was a training ground for WW2 and the pivotal role he would play on the ground leading his armored divisions.  There are many such men and women who are being prepared to take on heavy responsibilities but who through preparation and God’s blessings and support, do His will.

I believe Donald J. Trump is also such a person.


I also believe that one of the most grievous injuries perpetuated on this country is the decimation of the education system.  So if you want to learn more about what happened in the past, where we came from, and were we are now, it will help you understand were we are going.  America is not a perfect country, it’s people are not perfect either.  However, the accomplishments of everyone through all the ups and downs together are unique in the history of mankind.

That anyone should want to bring down this great country needs to be understood.  As you might expect, it is the usual suspects of envy, greed, jealousy, lust for power, money, land, resources, you name it.   America has been blessed with much and taken the minds and capacities of it’s people to transform itself into a powerhouse  and richest country on the earth.   Now, some 330 million people, out of more than 7 billion live better than most of those people on the earth.  Is that because of imperialism?  Or criminal activity?  Or other evil intent?  There may be some truth to those claims however then balance those against the “good” that America has done around the world.  That is where our focus needs to go because the global media always beats the drum with negative messages and there is much to be proud of while recognizing we do have much to improve on at the same time.  God bless America. – Mongoose


Happy Thanksgiving!

I give thanks to the Lord Almighty for the many blessings he bestows on me each and every day.  He is so good, he is great and he is faithful.  I ask his blessings on our country, our President, our very human and weak leaders, and the character of the people of this land.  There is much to be concerned about but nothing is beyond the power of the Lord.

“For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen!” – Mongoose


Pretense, Just Another Lie

I wonder if today’s education system teaches kids that it is ok to admit to not knowing something.  With no moral underpinnings, family support, or other direction, the mass media and social media make people “feel” they know everything, or have to pretend to know everything, and the fact that they have an “opinion” makes them educated regardless of how uninformed that opinion is.


One of the most important things I learned as a child was to not be afraid of admitting that I didn’t know something.  And tied to this is the act of lying because once you lie about that fact, then you must commit further acts to continue the deception.  The second most important thing I learned was how to go about learning.

Circle of Lies


Be smart.  Know yourself and your limitations.  But do not let them limit you.  You can always stretch those boundaries by informing yourself.  Then you will no longer be ignorant on a subject, or at least be better informed. – Mongoose

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“Crockett on the Power to Make Charitable Donations” as Recorded at The Constitution Society

Money.  It is said money is what makes the world go ’round.  It is said that ‘money is the root of all evil.’  But the proper phrase is Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” 1 Tim 6 :10

This piece is about honesty, integrity, character, about service to the public and should be engraved on the heart of every public servant.  Davy Crockett was not some fictional character from Americana lore, he was a real person and he served in the making of our country.  What I find interesting is the effort this man made to recognize his own ignorance, with the help of another learned man, and then overcome this ignorance and recognizing how respecting the US Constitution and faithfully executing it had different meanings than “what felt good at the time.”  Especially when it came to using money that was not his to give away in so-called charitable ventures.

It is apparent to many that our political system is broken and corrupted as many of our so-called “representatives” and “judges” have sold out to their own ideas and not the ideals and laws put forth by our Founding Documents.  Now, influence, power and favor are simply purchased with money.  After all, it takes money to make money.  But it would be great if it was as simple as that.  But it is not simple money being used as in advertising or promotion to earn a profit.  This is about crony capitalism buying tax breaks, e.g. the NFL on profits and real estate taxes, about criminal favors and escaping various crimes simply because money buys favors or applies threats in appropriate places, or greases palms to get lucrative and long lasting contracts as government suppliers at prices that no one seems to investigate, audit, or care about in the least.  It is not about corporate bailouts and putting the failures of business people, management and directors, on the shoulders of the tax payer.

No one cares much these days about personal honor, code of ethics, integrity, morals.  The Almighty Buck cures all because it buys all.  Or so these sick people think.  They are the ones who have gone to the dark side.  But they forget and they try to hide from the consequences of their actions by claiming there is no God, or there is no heaven or hell.  Just like Bill and Hillary and others like them might think they are skating free and pulling a fast one on the public, they conveniently forget that there will come a judgment day.  There will come a JUDGMENT DAY! – Mongoose


Crockett on the Power to Make Charitable Donations


History’s immortals sometimes offer a glimpse of their greatness in events other than those that granted them immortality.

Tennessee militia colonel David Crockett, perhaps best known for his role in the 1836 defense of the Alamo, also served three terms in the United States Congress between 1827 and 1835. Nationally known during his lifetime as a political representative of the frontier, Crockett apparently came by that reputation honestly, inasmuch as he was not above listening to his constituents. The following excerpt from an 1884 biography by Edward Sylvester Ellis, The Life of Colonel David Crockettif accurate, might reveal how his own rural electorate taught him the importance of adhering to the Constitution and the perils of ignoring its restrictions.

Crockett was then the lion of Washington. I was a great admirer of his character, and, having several friends who were intimate with him, I found no difficulty in making his acquaintance. I was fascinated with him, and he seemed to take a fancy to me.

I was one day in the lobby of the House of Representatives when a bill was taken up appropriating money for the benefit of a widow of a distinguished naval officer. Several beautiful speeches had been made in its support, rather, as I thought, because it afforded the speakers a fine opportunity for display than from the necessity of convincing anybody, for it seemed to me that everybody favored it. The Speaker was just about to put the question when Crockett arose. Everybody expected, of course, that he was going to make one of his characteristic speeches in support of the bill. He commenced:

“Mr. Speaker — I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I have never heard that the government was in arrears to him. This government can owe no debts but for services rendered, and at a stipulated price. If it is a debt, how much is it? Has it been audited, and the amount due ascertained? If it is a debt, this is not the place to present it for payment, or to have its merits examined. If it is a debt, we owe more than we can ever hope to pay, for we owe the widow of every soldier who fought in the War of 1812 precisely the same amount. There is a woman in my neighborhood, the widow of as gallant a man as ever shouldered a musket. He fell in battle. She is as good in every respect as this lady, and is as poor. She is earning her daily bread by her daily labor; but if I were to introduce a bill to appropriate five or ten thousand dollars for her benefit, I should be laughed at, and my bill would not get five votes in this House. There are thousands of widows in the country just such as the one I have spoken of, but we never hear of any of these large debts to them. Sir, this is no debt. The government did not owe it to the deceased when he was alive; it could not contract it after he died. I do not wish to be rude, but I must be plain. Every man in this House knows it is not a debt. We cannot, without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as the payment of a debt. We have not the semblance of authority to appropriate it as a charity. Mr. Speaker, I have said we have the right to give as much of our own money as we please. I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week’s pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks.”

Continue reading ““Crockett on the Power to Make Charitable Donations” as Recorded at The Constitution Society”